Water purification industry information

Choose aicksn for office drinking fountains

Views : 58386
Update time : 2021-09-28 16:15:45
"Water pollution" has always been one of the hot issues of public concern. The protection of water sources or the renovation of water plants can improve the quality of tap water to a certain extent, but it cannot solve the problem fundamentally. The standard of tap water in my country is not high. The transportation and storage links have suffered serious secondary pollution, not only the taste is not good, but many of the toxic and harmful substances cannot be removed after boiling; drinking pure water is not good for human health, and secondary pollution problems of barrels and drinking fountains are repeated. The media exposure was shocking. So the direct drinking fountain is what we need in life.
direct drinking water equipment
How to choose direct drinking fountains in the office? More and more companies pay attention to the safety of drinking water for office employees. Now many companies have installed direct drinking water equipment in the office to ensure the health and safety of their employees. So how to choose direct drinking water equipment in the office? In fact, choose direct drinking water equipment in the office. Mainly from two aspects of water quality and water consumption.

1. Appearance selection

The appearance of the direct drinking water equipment in the office should be smooth and flat, with uniform color and small size. There should be no defects such as cracks, scratches, etc., and the joints are well-proportioned.

2. Function selection

When choosing direct drinking water equipment in an office, you should fully consider factors such as the number of employees, the time period for drinking water, the type of drinking water (boiling water/warm water/ice water), and the concentrated drinking water. It is necessary to save the drinking time of raw employees as much as possible. Like warm type or (ice warm) type direct drinking water equipment, it can meet the needs of employees.

3. Price comparison

The selling prices of different types of direct drinking water equipment vary greatly. For example, the cost of compressor-type refrigeration direct drinking water equipment is much higher than that of semiconductor refrigerators, so the price is generally 2-3 times that of semiconductor refrigeration direct drinking water equipment. According to the number of faucets, the more faucets are relatively less expensive than the faucets. In addition, for the same type of direct drinking water equipment with the same function, the price of the filter equipment is different.

4. Product quality

Manufacturers should identify the brand of the product when purchasing direct drinking water equipment in the office. The executive standard number, sanitary license batch number, and certification number of electrical products on the packaging box should be recognized, because these signs mean that the product has reached the corresponding quality level.

5. Installation and after-sales service

Finally, the most important point of the direct water dispenser is the issue of installation and after-sales service. From the initial water quality inspection, design, installation and commissioning to follow-up visits, maintenance and regular reminders to replace the filter material, you don’t have to worry about after-sales problems, you can enjoy professional services, so that consumers can avoid worries.
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